Each of us wants to make a positive impression on the people we meet, whether we see them first or once again in our lives. It turns out that others evaluate us during the first few seconds of the meeting. They do it automatically, unknowingly. How to look pretty?
What clothes to wear?
Research shows that the most attractive people are those who wear subdued colors, classic black, pastels gray. Nevertheless, dressing from top to bottom in black certainly suggests that we are going to a funeral.
Therefore, the trick is choosing the right accessories that will lighten your clothing a bit, for example shoes.
Colorful elements are very important. Colors such as red or green draw attention and subtract years. However, they do not suit every woman, it is quite an individual matter. But the general rule is not to be afraid of these colors if you wear a black skirt.
Wear dresses!
How to always look good? Try to wear dresses more often. Women often choose comfort. And this means a set: pants, blouse and flat shoes. Instead of a uniform, emphasize your femininity and choose a casual dress made of practical fabric. Not every dress must be a cocktail creation.
Every day you will look great in a comfortable envelope dress, tied at the waist – beautifully emphasize your figure and mark the waistline. You can also choose dresses from stretch materials – they will be comfortable and definitely more casual.

Fat rolls in these places look very unsightly and unfortunately such a person is not positively received by the environment, often raises even laughter. Therefore, before hunting for clothes, it is worth carefully looking at from each side, and when buying new clothes always try them on, and always ask for an opinion, if not a colleague or friend, then a saleswoman.
The right makeup
It is a myth that men like women who have strong makeup. Women who exaggerate with make-up, unfortunately, look vulgar. However, if we love strong makeup, then when leaving, let’s make sure that it is only the makeup of a selected part of the face. How to look attractive?
For example, women who love strongly painted eyes should not give up underlining their lips with strong red lipstick. The opposite is similar – if you dream of red lips, then eye makeup should be sparing.
Health = Beauty
You have to be healthy to look attractive! Illness or ailments are immediately visible on our face. Therefore, a balanced diet, the right amount of water, and the right amount of sleep are very important.
After a late night, ice cream massage is a salvation for the skin – it helps reduce swelling under the eyes and gives the skin tone. If we are expecting an important meeting, it is worth using this trick. Red eyes must be instilled, well done before going to bed.
If it is possible before leaving, it is worth making a cucumber wrap or putting ice cubes wrapped in a handkerchief on them. A clear look will certainly contribute to a better perception of us by others.