How to look younger?

How to look younger?

Each of us dreams of stopping the aging process and looking young as long as possible. Some do it, and even with very good results. What is the way to look younger? Is the speed of aging genetically determined or does it also depend on our lifestyle? How to look younger?

Real age and biological age

Like all parts of our body, our skin ages with age and wrinkles appear. This is a normal, genetically conditioned process. Meanwhile, aging also depends heavily on external factors and lifestyle. It is estimated that these factors account for around 80% of signs of aging. That’s why some look older and others look younger than they really are. 

Which factors can help us maintain a youthful appearance?

A study on twins provides interesting information about the aging process. The volunteer nurses examined exactly 2,000 twins at the age of 70. Their task was to visually assess the age of each participant. Then the average age was calculated for each of them and compared with their real age. Research results showed that the main factors that influenced the difference between the age assessed by nurses and real age were: smoking, sun exposure and low body weight (low body mass index BMI). Marriage and high social status were also helpful in maintaining a young appearance for a long time.

How to look younger?

How to keep youth?

In summary, to keep your youthful appearance, you should stop smoking and avoid all contact with cigarette smoke and sitting in the sun for too long. In case you spend a lot of time outside, you need to use creams with UVA and UVB filters (at least factor 30), because ultraviolet radiation significantly accelerates the skin aging process.

It is also worth taking care of the correct body weight, and in particular, do not allow excessive emaciation. Every day 5 servings of vegetables will provide the right amount of vitamins and minerals, especially antioxidants, slowing down the aging process. Omega-3 fatty acids also have a positive effect on the condition of the whole body, and especially on skin hydration. They can be found in fatty fish like salmon.

Make up tricks

  • After 30, it’s better not to go outside without makeup – some foundation, mascara and one lipstick stroke, and your face looks much nicer.
  • Give up dense foundation – enhances wrinkles. Use foundations with a light texture that will not be visible on the face. They should gently brighten the complexion, then they will cover up wrinkles well.
  • Powder sparingly – excess of cosmetics will emphasize enlarged pores, wrinkles and may make your face look like a mask.
  • Use delicate pink – too dark or bright adds years and makes the face unnatural. The blush can be two tones darker than your complexion!
  • Highlight your eyes – change your makeup to a more fashionable one. Try, for example, navy blue or green mascara – it will highlight the color of your eyes.
  • Lighten eyebrows – dark ones age, they should be 1-2 tons lighter than eyelashes.



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